quarta-feira, 17 de março de 2010

Mudanças nos critérios diagnósticos de TID

Oi pessoal,

Minha grande paixão é avaliação diagnóstica de TID, e no site do NAS surgiu uma notícia importante!

Dêem uma olhada!!!

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) is revising its influential diagnostic manual, known as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), and is proposing some changes to the way diagnoses will be given to people on the autism spectrum.

The DSM manual contains one of the two main international sets of diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorders, including Asperger syndrome.

Here are some of the main proposals made by the APA.

  • Instead of using particular terms like Asperger syndrome, PDD-NOS and Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, it is suggested that when people go for a diagnosis in the future they would be given a diagnosis of "autism spectrum disorder".
  • The emphasis during diagnosis will change from giving a name to the condition to identifying all the needs that the person has and how they affect that person's life.
  • Sensory behaviours will be included in the criteria for the first time.
The new Manual will be published in 2013.


Acho que a proposta é válida, porque a tendência atual é dar um diagnóstico geral de TEA - Transtornos do Espectro do Autismo, e não em saber de qual deles exatamente se trata, já que os encaminhamentos são praticamente iguais...

Mas daí certamente o nível de funcionalidade vai ter que ser avaliado...

O que vocês acham?

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